Now Supporting Expense Tracking and Invoicing
posted by Paul on August 5, 2019 — last updated January 4, 2021
We know expenses often go hand in hand with time tracking. So we've further improved our product; LogSpace now supports expenses in addition to time tracking and invoicing.
Maybe you need to track a per diem or any other expense along with your time spent. Head over to "My Expenses," and once you've made your entries, they're eligible for invoicing. That includes automatic invoicing, so there's no extra work for you to make sure you get paid. LogSpace can add every expense to the invoice as its own line item, including the "Notes" you enter.
We've also updated the "Reports" screen, so you can easily monitor your team's time logs and expenses. Remember that you can also mark time logs or expenses as non-billable so that LogSpace will not include these on invoices.
We hope this is a great help. Check out the "Contact Us" link to let us know what else you're interested in seeing!